Learning Commercial Cleaning in Maryland Industry

Crash Course in Commercial Cleaning

Learning Commercial Cleaning in Maryland Industry. As the webmaster for Commercial Building Maintenance I’m tasked with creating content for this website.

The best way to do this is to learn what a commercial cleaning company does, from the ground up.

When Sean needed an extra hand cleaning a car dealership in Frederick Maryland, I suggested he use me (the Local SEO and Webmaster of CBM LLC).

This is my first foray into the world of commercial cleaning and this is the first in a series of posts I’m going to make to share what I discovered about the janitorial services industry:

Nightly cleaning of a car dealership

This car dealership is selling a lot of cars, there are desks for 15 car salespeople, and 3 desks for sales managers (18 trashcans to empty), interestingly you can see which desks sold cars that day by the fingerprint smudges on the desk. There are 2 offices for the credit manager (2 paper shredders to empty). There are 4 more trash cans to empty upstairs in the credit offices, 5 more for the Service Writers, 3 others in the auto mechanics locker room.

Grand Total Trash Cans – 30

Cleaning Service Frederick Maryland

The showroom floor is a ceramic tile floor (strong enough for cars to be driven inside for display), this tile we use a bleach and soap solution. The offices have linoleum tiles… no bleach on those. Learning Commercial Cleaning in Maryland Industry.

Auto Dealership Janitorial Cleaning

Glass Entrance Doors have fingerprints to clean

This Frederick Maryland car dealership has 4 entrance doors, double doors, all with fingerprint smudges to clean

Window Washing Car Dealership #CRE Property Maintenance

There are 5 bathrooms in this car dealership:

“I’ve learned that the most important part of a commercial cleaning contract is to clean a bathroom toilet!” CBM

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